Validitas Model “Produksi” Sebagai Alternatif Model Pembelajaran Untuk Mendukung Kurikulum 2013

Fadly, Wirawan Validitas Model “Produksi” Sebagai Alternatif Model Pembelajaran Untuk Mendukung Kurikulum 2013.

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The 2013 curriculum (K13) recommends teachers / educators to use a learning approach
oriented to project-based learning (Permendikbud 65 of 2013), and for skills that need to
be given attention to 21st century learning according to K13 one of them is
communication skills. The project-based learning model developed needs to be adjusted to
the demands of the 21st and K13 century learning, namely a project-based physics learning
model that is oriented towards communication skills, so that innovation is made to develop
project-based learning by the name of PRODUCTION learning model. The purpose of
this study was to determine the quality of the PRODUCTION model and its supporting
devices. The research method to see the validity of the product developed is through
quantitative research using a limited type of survey research. Survey was conducted to
obtain quality information from the product being developed, and was limited to related
experts. Analysis of validation results included validation of learning model construction
and content validation in the form of the supporting devices were analyzed using
quantitative descriptive analysis. Assessment of the validity of the PRODUCTION
learning model and its supporting devices using the model validation instrument and
learning tools. Based on the expert evaluation, it can be concluded that the model that has
been developed (PRODUCTION model) is constructively valid and feasible to be
implemented in learning with scientific approach characteristics in accordance with K13
recommendations, and the supporting devices are RPP, LKPD, LE and LP in a valid and
feasible content implemented in learning physics, supporting project activities and solving
physical problems, and being able to develop one of the 21st century skills of science
communication skills.

Item Type: Journal Article
Depositing User: Mrs Mujiati
Date Deposited: 30 Dec 2022 04:40
Last Modified: 10 Jan 2023 08:35

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