Peran perempuan dalam kebangkitan ekonomi lokal melalui usaha mikro kecil menengah ditinjau dari perspektif ekonomi Islam

Ulya, Nijla Shifyamal and Wahyudi, Amin (2022) Peran perempuan dalam kebangkitan ekonomi lokal melalui usaha mikro kecil menengah ditinjau dari perspektif ekonomi Islam. SERAMBI: JurnalEkonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam, 4 (3). pp. 267-276. ISSN 2685-9904

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Currently, in Indonesia, the activities of MSMEs are increasing rapidly; this is evidenced by the proliferation of micro, small and medium enterprises, which are increasing daily. MSMEs have tremendous potential because they resist the current economic crisis after a prolonged pandemic. This study is also inseparable from the role of women in its implementation. Women have great potential for the progress of MSMEs in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method, which refers to a phenomenon by analyzing data sources obtained utilizing interviews, observations, and literature studies from previous studies. Most MSME actors are women with high responsibility, dedication, and honesty. Women can carry out multiple roles to help fulfill the family's economy.

Item Type: Journal Article
Subjects: 14 ECONOMICS > 1401 Economic Theory > 140102 Macroeconomic Theory
14 ECONOMICS > 1401 Economic Theory > 140104 Microeconomic Theory
14 ECONOMICS > 1401 Economic Theory > 140199 Economic Theory not elsewhere classified
14 ECONOMICS > 1499 Other Economics > 149999 Economics not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam > Jurusan Perbankan Syariah
Depositing User: Perpustakaan IAIN Ponorogo
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2023 02:30
Last Modified: 12 Apr 2023 02:30

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