Analysis of PAUD Learning Model Beyond Centers and Circle Time (BCCT) and Its Implementation In Educational Institutions

Rochmah, Elfi Yuliani and Saputro, Yusron Rizqi and Nadziroh, Isna Faridatun (2023) Analysis of PAUD Learning Model Beyond Centers and Circle Time (BCCT) and Its Implementation In Educational Institutions., 3 (8). pp. 1689-1697. ISSN (print): 2770-2782, ISSN(online): 2770-2790

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This paper is the result of a field study conducted at one of the educational institutions in the
Madiun district, namely SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Dolopo. This study aims to determine the principal's
supervision management and its impact on improving teacher performance. The research method used
is a case study with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and
documentation. The data analysis technique used is data condensation, data presentation, and
conclusion. Data checking techniques used extended participation, persistence of observation,
triangulation, and peer checking through discussion. The results of the study show that the principal's
supervisory management in improving teacher performance is carried out through several stages,
namely: 1) The planning stage, namely making strategic steps in supervision activities to be carried
out by the school principal, 2) The organizing stage, through the division of tasks supported by good
coordination, 3) The implementation stage, at this stage, the school principal conducts observations or
class visits at the same time do follow-up on the results obtained through individual and group
supervision techniques, 4) Supervision stage, through monitoring activities on teachers both individual
and group monitoring after follow-up supervision is carried out. The impacts of the principal's
supervisory management include: 1) Helping teachers to develop within the scope of learning, 2)
Improving teacher teaching skills, 3) Helping teachers to learn about how to improve their abilities and
quality so that students can achieve predetermined learning goals.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keyword: KEYWORDS: Management, Supervision of the Principal, Teacher Performance, Educational Institutions
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1399 Other Education > 139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Depositing User: Mrs Mujiati
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2024 02:07
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2024 02:07

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