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Harjali, Harjali (2017) Teachers’ experience in implementing cooperative learning in the classrooms (phenomenological research at junior high school classrooms in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia). International Journal of Learning and Change, 09 (03). pp. 228-244. ISSN 17402875, 17402883 (Unpublished)
Harjali, Harjali and Hidayah, Yulia Nuzulul (2017) The Implementation of Engage, Study, Activate (E.S.A) In Teaching English for Senior High School. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran, 50 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2549-2608
Rochmahwati, Pryla (2017) English Curriculum And Material Development. STAIN Po Press, Ponorogo. ISBN 978-602-9312-26-3